Tti | Transporte de obras de Arte
  • Crates for paintings

  • Crates for sculptures

  • Special packing and crating for a mummy

  • The perfect packing for any kind of artwork

  • Our carpentry workshop in Madrid

  • The best tools for the best crates

Packing and Crating

We know that we do exceptional work.

The need to guarantee high standards of conservation in any phase of the exhibitions, is a fundamental pillar of our company’s philosophy.

For these reasons Tti develops from our of R&D&i Department a constant search for solutions in the matter of preventive conservation.

ULYSSES® is an innovative climatic crate that solves current conservation problems for works of art during transport and redraws the limits that mark the boundries of adequacy and safety for movements of art.
Thanks to the passive climatisations system developed by Tti, ULYSSES® maintains an optimum temperature range for more than 40 hours.
The design allows the adapt at ion of the interior size to the dimensions of the works contained and guarantees a maximum level of isolation against filtations.The crate is also highly resistent to shocks and vibrations.
Tti, with our climatic crate ULYSSES®, has been awarded the Prize for Design and Sustainability of Packages and Crates 2009,awarded by the Packing and Crate Innovation Cluster of the Valencian Community.

If you want receive our brochure, please contact with us.


Phone: +34 918027097
